Tablature de Michael Jackson : Heal the world (2) | ABC des tablatures


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Tablature de Michael Jackson : Heal the world (2)

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Découvrez 37 autres tablatures de Michael Jackson

Titre Type Vues Contributeur Diff.
Bad Crd 1 Jerome
Beat it Tab 3 Tabby
Beat it (2) Crd 0 Jerome
Beat it (3) Tab 1 Tanguy96
Billie jean (2) Crd 4 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Billie jean (3) BTab 1 Bisschop
Billie jean (4) Crd 3 Jerome
Billie jean (basse) BTab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Black or white Crd 0 Jerome
Dirty diana Crd 1 Jerome
Earth song Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Earth song (2) Crd 0 Jujubier
Earth song (3) Crd 0 User #1584705
For all time (thriller 25th anniversary) Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Give in to me Tab 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Give in to me (2) Crd 0 Coko1983
Heal the world Crd+ 1 Webmaster ABC-TABS
Heal the world (2) Crd+ 0 Renaud71
Heal the world (3) Crd 0 Alrej
Human nature Crd 0 Jerome
I just can't stop loving you Crd 1 User #214988
I'll be there Crd 0 Raphael8588
Liberian girl Crd 0 Jerome
Remember the time Crd 0 Jerome
Rock with you Crd 0 Jerome
Smooth criminal Crd 2 Jerome
Speechless Crd+ 0 Binooxyz
Stranger in moscow Crd 1 Jerome
The girl is mine Crd 1 Jerome
The way you make me feel Crd 0 Jerome
They don't really care about us Crd 4 Jerome
Thriller Crd 0 Webmaster ABC-TABS
We are the world Crd 1 Jerome
We are the world Crd 0 Jikos
Who is it Crd 1 User #157902
Will you be there Crd 0 Jerome
You are not alone Crd 0 Jujubier
More Heal the world (2) tabs at 911

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